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About LockStrong

I am a father of 4 boys. My job before I became a locksmith was a bread delivery driver. I worked crazy hours. Starting at 2:00 A.M. and not getting home until after 2:00 P.M. left me very little time with my family. I had to be in bed by 6:00 P.M. to get 7 hours of sleep. With my boys in school and not getting home until 3:30 P.M., I felt like I never saw them. My wife did everything without me. Taking them to amusement parks and out for ice cream. All the little memories I was missing out on.

I only had Wednesday's and Sunday's off. Wednesday's the boys are at school and then we go to church in the evening. Sunday's were also set aside for church. Every other week I worked 6 days. So I would only get one day off. I kept my job so that my wife could be a stay at home mom. But my kids suffered and so did my wife. And deep inside so did I.


Then a new contract was signed with my job. Taking major pay cuts over a 4 year period. When I came home that day with the news, my wife and I both knew there would be no way we would be able to survive at the end of the 4 years. So we started praying and looking at other options. Every job I looked at had its downfalls. Either I wasn't qualified enough, I was overqualified, I was too old, or I'd be in the same position as I was already in. Then, without even talking to each other my wife and I started feeling the same exact tug. Starting a business. We knew it would not be easy and all roses. But we have friends as mentors and they have helped us a great deal learn all the ropes of owning this business. Family stepping up and being supportive and door after door being opened.

So, in November of 2015, our lives took on a new twist. Opening this business. Through this business, our hope is that we bring back honesty and integrity. To serve our community with respect. And to have more time as a family.

Is your family LockStrong? If you need help, give us a call for a free quote.

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