The Wednesday Hump...
So it's Wednesday and it's that mid week lull. OMG! I hate the feeling I get sometimes on Wednesday. I get tired and want to sleep all day. But I can't. There is always something to do here. Since the kids are in school I try to clean up things. Sam is usually off too. So sometimes we use this day to run errands we need to do together. So there are times I am thankful for Wednesday's.
How about you? Do you like Wednesday? Does it make you feel closer to the weekend? I sometimes feel that way too. Like, well I've made it to Wednesday, so here comes the weekend. WOOHOO!
I am looking forward to this weekend. I will have my hubby home, which is rare. He's never home for the weekends. So having him on Saturday is always a BIG deal.
Yesterday was a crazy, busy day. We had a field trip to Riley's Farm and the Revolutionary War reenactment. I went to this alone with Carson and Sam took the other boys up to Los Rios Ranch. They went for a hike, skipped stones in a pond and went to a petting zoo. They had fun. Carson and I learned how they lived in the 1770's. What the kids played, how they did court and many other things. It was a lot of fun. And I'll get to do it all again next year!