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Time Flies!

Yesterday we celebrated our youngest sons 8th birthday. Tomorrow, the 30th, is our second sons 13th birthday. One month from today our oldest will be 15. This time of year always gets me thinking and reminiscing. It also makes me a little sad. I have to admit that my "babies" are no longer babies.

I think it hits me even harder with their birthdays at the end of the year. Three of the 4 boys have birthdays this time of year, and it makes me crazy. I think about the days of having little babies to bundle up and snuggle in the cold winter months. The times they loved the Santa stories, baking with mommy, seeing Christmas lights with amazement and all the little things that made it special. Now I get eye rolls and "I don't want to go" with almost every Christmas tradition I still want to do.

So, to any of you out there that have small children/babies, seriously treasure every moment. They don't last forever, although some stages feel like they will. I used to get so tired of people telling me to "treasure every moment sweetie." But it seriously is so true. Time flies so fast. Before you know it they want a job and are talking about moving out. It's a crazy life, so live it to it's fullest. Make memories that will last forever. Make your kids want to continue the same traditions with their kids. It's not always about how much money you spend, but about the moments you have and memories you make.

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