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It's That Time of Year

It's that time of year.... We could add so many things to this. Every person and family has their traditions and things they do during this season. Some people go see Christmas lights, go to plays, go to mountain cabins, maybe go somewhere warm if you live in the snow and so on. For me, so many things come to mind and I get warm and fuzzy feelings. It's amazing what a time of year can bring to you.

There are certain songs and smells that bring me back. The ones that make you feel like the holidays are officially here again. My mom always listened to The Carpenter's and made peanut brittle. Decorating the tree was always done to the Celine Dion CD. There was always peanut butter cookies and lots of other baking going on. I am so in love with baking during this time of year.

This year has been a little hard and different for me. Not being able to put up a tree or decorate at all has been really hard for me. The things that makes the holidays the holidays are not happening for me. The hustle and bustle of shopping is always so enjoyable to me. I know that may sound weird, but I do love it. I am not able to do that either. But I still want to sit back and enjoy other moments happening in my life. God has been good to us nonetheless.

I would love to hear some of your traditions or things that make you feel great for the holidays.

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