Do you ever feel like you are stuck on red in this game of life? Do you feel like every decision you make or every door that seems to open then just leads to another red light? I have felt this way so often, I feel like People wonder what in the world I am doing wrong?!?! Well guess what? I wonder that too. I feel like doors open. I pray about it. Feel good or bad. Do or not do it. And BOOM! Another red light.
Now I won't lie or anything, I have turned around, quit and just ran the other way. Any signs of trouble and I'm gone. I just want everything to be okay all the time. Okay well let's be realistic. That can't happen. This is life. I am not perfect, so things happen. I get twisted, angry, confused, upset, hurt and all those other things we call feelings. What I have learned in the past year and a half or so, (I know it's late. I probably should have learned it a long time ago) is keep going. Press on no matter what. Because eventually the light will turn green. It may turn yellow first, and start out slow. But someday that green light will appear.
Now there obviously times when we have to turn away from the light we are at. Maybe you've been waiting for a promotion at your job and it just isn't happening. Or a home you want just isn't opening up when you need it. Those are the times you know something different is in store for you. So turn and follow a different lighted path. Pray, trust and have faith that everything will work out. Even when you feel discouraged, keep on trucking.
Will it be a perfect sunshine filled day everyday? No, of course not. But remember to dance in the rain. Enjoy every moment, because when you are finally at the point you have been trying to get to, you can look back and learn from every hard spot you have been in. Make sure you learn instead of becoming bitter and angry. Feel the feelings in the moment. Even write them down. Be real. You don't have to be fake. There are awesome things in store for those who strive. Those who persevere, be humble and have patience will make it to the top. It doesn't happen over night.