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How Do You Become Positive?

So being positive comes very easily to some people. For others it's something they work on, but it wasn't too hard and din't take much time. Then there are people like me who REALLY have to work at it. I have to consciously work at it, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

I think positive stuff starts in our childhood. How we are raised and so on contributes to this part of or lives. I was raised in a good Christian home. My dad was hard working and often worked 2 jobs and then side jobs. He was a full time employee of the Rialto School District for over 30 years. He also delivered pizza, worked at Wal-Mart, owned a lawn business and did sprinkler jobs on the side. He was at work at 6 and wouldn't come home until after midnight some nights. Then right back to it the next day and the next. He never complained. He was always an upbeat guy. Not much bothered him. My mom on the other hand had to work harder. As a child I didn't notice a lot of the things my mom struggled with. It didn't affect me until much later. She was raised by a negative mom. Her dad was gone many hours due to commuting and work. My grandma is a very very negative person. So my mom had to, (and still does) work hard to become positive. My mom is also very fearful. She doesn't like being alone. She has struggled with these things for years, and the older she got, the worse things got. But she also seen things her mom did, didn't like them and changed them with my brother and I.

So, although I had both sides as examples, my mom had more influence because she was a stay at home mom. As I got older I noticed more. I got married at an early age and dealt with a lot of my feelings and problems. I won't lie, it took me years to overcome some things. And I still notice things and have to work on them. Being positive doesn't come easy, but seeing positive in almost every situation is coming easier. I've had a lot of trial and error with my own kids, and just pray they come out okay. My husband never gives up on me. He sticks it out, bless his heart. Even through my moods and not so positive days, he doesn't usually complain.

So, you know I have to work on being positive. I read inspirational quotes. I read (or listen to) books about being positive. This year I also started keeping a journal. At the end of each entry (which varies in time span) I put something that made me feel good that day and a positive quote. This helps me remember that even on the toughest days, there is something positive to remember.

Tell me how you stay positive or how you became positive... You can go to the "contact" page and email us your story. We'd love to hear from you.

Have a great Day!

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