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Be Still and Know...

So this is the thought that has been with me since the beginning of the year. Last year (2016) was a very hard year. So many things felt like it was going wrong. At the end of the year my best friend made a statement that got me thinking. She said, "I wish I would have kept a journal, that way I would know when good things happened instead of just feeling and seeing all the bad that happened." I thought that was an amazing idea so I went with it. I knew that every single thing that happened last year was not bad, but overall that's how it felt. So I decided to go ahead and keep a journal this year. I wanted to write in it every day, but that has not happened. But I will say that every good thing that has happened has prompted me to write in it.

As I was thinking and praying about the journal and hoping all would go better this year I kept thinking about a verse/song "Be Still and Know" The song says, "Be still and know I am God, be still and know I've got it all in control. I can do a work like only I can do, be still and know, be still and know, be still ad know I am God." The verse says, "Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10 Both the song and the verse say so much to me. It is so comforting to know that He has everything in control. Even when we have no idea what is going on, what to do, where to go or anything else. This has been my go to strength. And having more faith and trust in Him has helped me so much. I am thankful for all of the lessons I've learned and the person I am becoming. Learning to not just lean and trust in myself, but in Him. It's been an amazing, fearful journey.

So if I could leave you with one thought, I would say trust and have faith. Whether you believe in God or not, there is a higher power watching over you. You just have to have faith and trust. Things can and will get better. And if you choose, you can learn and grow from the tough times. You can also choose to be negative and never change your life. Things won't just fall in your lap. You have to want change and you have to go out and get it. Is it scary? Yes. Is everything going to fall right into place? No probably not. Is there going t be curves thrown at you? Yes. Are people going to completely trust you and think you are doing the right thing? No. We have had so many people question us. Think we are crazy. Everyone has their own opinion and if we cared about what everyone thought, we would be in the same rut for the rest of our lives. But instead we decided we need to change our lives and that we are the only ones that can make that happen. So take the step. Jump off the cliff. There is someone there that will catch you!

Be Still and Know!

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