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Maturity... So much comes with that word in my mind. And I guess since my kids are getting older and starting to "mature" I am thinking about it more. I hear people tell their kids to "just grow up," or "act your age," or "are you really that immature?" Sometimes it makes me so mad to hear these things. I have said things to my kids similar to this. And then I stop and think about how old they are and the things I am portraying in my life. Am I being a good example to them of what being a mature person is? Do they really know what these things mean that we are saying to them?

Stop and think with me for a minute. How many times have you said, or even done, something so stupid and immature when you are mad or irritated at someone? Adults all the time air out their problems, call people out and are so stupid on social media outlets. We have created a society where people fight over stuff in stores. Christmastime, especially black Friday, is a perfect example of this. How many things do you hear on the news about the dumb things people do and fights they get into? Is this really acting mature? Is this a good example to our kids on how we should act? The sad part is, some parents would be proud of their kids because they "got what they wanted."

Do you really want to teach your child that they should anything and everything they want? Even if they don't work for it or take it from someone else? For me, I don't. I have had some people tell me that for my young age I am very old fashioned. Well maybe I am. But that is fine by me. I want my kids to be honest, genuinely kind and a well rounded person.

So, I feel like if I am going to tell my boys to be mature, I need to be a good example of what that means. That when I am angry, I am angry but not stupid. Taking revenge is never a good idea. Their day will come. They will meet their match as they say. My mom always used to tell me, "what goes around comes around." When I was younger I didn't really know what she meant. But the longer I live and see everyday I life, I have seen this for myself. So never try to take matters (or revenge) into your own hands. You will only hurt yourself (and possibly those closest to you). And it definitely is not a good example to your kids. Let's teach our kids the right way!

Do you have any examples or ideas you want to share? I would love to hear them. I need all the help I can get. Use the "Contact Us" page to email me.

My Boys... My Heart!

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