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The 4th Of July

I don't know about you, but I love the 4th of July. It seriously competes with Thanksgiving and Christmas for me. I get this feeling of pride. No matter what is going on in our Nation or even the World, America and Americans seem to come together and celebrate our Country. I have taught all 4 of my boys the National Anthem. I love it. No matter what president we have or problems our Country is facing, it's a day to celebrate. Our founding fathers sacrificed so much. The blood that was spilled so that we can be free. The people that choose not to stand to honor the flag or the National Anthem, the people who choose to not pray (even though this country was founded on prayer) the people who burn flags and on and on I could go. But the reason those people can make that choice is because of all that fought to free this Country.

So when the 4th rolls around, I always try to talk to my boys about the day and how lucky we are. Because we really are. I am still proud to be and American. I am happy that I live here. I am glad that I get to raise my kids here. So many people try to get here. How many illegal people do we have living here? Probably too many to count. Why would that be if our Country was so bad?

So on this 4th of July, celebrate and have a good time. But while you are celebrating, remember why you can celebrate! Remember all the men and women who died for this cause. And most of all be PROUD and THANKFUL that you are an American!

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