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Just Life

Do ever feel like you are just going through life? Like nothing exciting is happening, nothing bad is happening, nothing really at all. It's just life stuff. Kids, cooking, laundry, business stuff, house cleaning, just life. These are the times I kind of feel weird. I feel useless, even though I am the one who does all of the above mentioned things. So obviously I am not useless, but when nothing fun and exciting is happening, I feel crazy.

So this is kind of where I am right now. Besides the kids being home for the summer, nothing much else is going on. Now with the 4th of July being over, there's no plans for anything else at the moment. I get bored. I don't want to do anymore house work, I wish I had a maid and a cook sometimes. I like to cook, but I hate dishes :) Dishes are so insane. I work to get them done, walk away and all of the sudden there are more. Laundry is the same way. The whole 2 seconds the laundry is done is the greatest 2 seconds of all LOL!!!

My point being that, right at this moment 1 boy is away at a friends, 3 boys are playing games (on my bed haha) and my husband is wondering around the house trying to find things to do. I am sitting at the table (where I have been for about 3 hours) writing this article. I have been sitting here working on business stuff. I ate lunch in this exact spot. I didn't eat breakfast, but did have my coffee here too. It takes forever to do business stuff. I guess I really am doing something useful, but I feel lazy and crazy. At least that rhymes haha.

So, do these things ever happen in your life? Do you ever feel this way, or is this just weird feelings coming from a crazy mom? I would love to hear the things you do to get out of the "everyday life funk." Send me an email and let me know!

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