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I love this weeks positive thought. I seriously have been afraid lately. Fearful of the unknown. But it hasn't stopped me from doing what I know I need to do. It hasn't made me make any rash decisions. I haven't let it stop me, but it has pushed me to try harder and try different things. I have been taken out of my comfort zone for sure.

What happens when we are taken out of our comfort zone? Some of us close up and try to find that place again. Some of us embrace the change and make that a new normal. Some of us close down and don't do anything. We don't move backwards, but we don't move forward either. We need to try to be the person that embraces the change. Trust me, I know first hand that this is hard. Every part of me wants to shrivel up and go hide. I want to get back to what I know and what I'm comfortable with.

But I have learned so much about myself in this process. One, I am stronger than I thought. Two, I can do things I never dreamed I could. Three, I have learned to push myself to new limits. There are more things, but these are the important things I have learned. I never thought I could accomplish these things. I have been pushed, stressed, stretched and thought I'd die at times. But here I am, still alive and breathing and able to talk about it.

Although my hard part is not over yet, I believe that I have proven to myself that I can make it through anything thrown at me if I set my mind to it. Trying to stay positive and keeping my blessings at the front of my mind has helped me so much. I am thankful for the lessons I've learned, but I honestly hope I never have to go through this again. Dig deep in yourself, I am sure that you too have the courage to make it, even if it doesn't seem that you do.

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