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Feeling Alone...

Do you ever feel all alone, even when you have people all around? You may have a spouse, kids, friends, family, whatever the case is, there's people all around you, yet you feel all alone? That's exactly how I am feeling at this moment in my life. I have a husband, 4 kids and friends, but feel so alone. Like there isn't really anyone to talk to or open up to. I'm going crazy, and can hardly stand to be around myself!

What do you do in moments like this? For me, it's been a lot more than a moment. It's been this way for weeks. With everything in my life changing so rapidly, I can hardly stand the pressure. I feel like I need to scream, cry, yell all at once to get my feelings out. But once I start crying, I can't stop. The tears just keep flowing and then I end up with puffy red eyes and look crazy. So the best thing for me to do is pray. No matter who walks in and out of my life, I have my faith. It's the only thing that I find works every time.

Am I saying that I walk away from prayer and feel great and not alone? No, but I can trust that He knows it all and is not leaving me. So I am not really alone. In every moment I have a God that cares for me. He said that He would never leave or forsake me. He also said He wouldn't put on us more than we could bear. So, I have to trust that He will give me the strength I need to carry on.

So when you feel like your friends, spouse, family or whoever it may be, has turned their back on you. Just know that some where there is someone who cares for you!

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