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Life is a whirlwind...

I am 100% sure I am not the only one who feels this way. Yesterday was insane for me. I have started another business on top of this one. I have become a "re-seller." This basically just means I try and find clothes at Thrift Stores, Yard Sales and stuff like that. Well, I am in business with my father in law. He has been going to estate sales. This is not a good way to buy clothes for resell. It is old people clothes and mostly worth nothing. So, I am left to go through it all and figure out what can sale and what can't.

So, yesterday I thought I was going to go crazy. I was trying to the boys home school, keep up with the housework, go through all of these clothes and get some posted online, and do lunch and dinner. I had to go to Costco as well. We had a coupon for a free pizza at Costco, so I thought why not use this for dinner. But I babysit, so I had to wait until he was picked up as well. By the time we got to Costco it was 7:20. The kids were starving and going crazy. I thought my head was going to pop off. The amount of people who go to Costco at that area was crazy.

Then get home and have a ton of stuff to put away, and trying to get the kids in bed. By the time I laid down I was exhausted. When my alarm went off this morning, I did not want to get up. I am not even joking! Then the kids were not motivated to get ready for school. They were all hyped up and even left late. I wouldn't be surprised if I get a call that someone forgot a lunch or something. Now I am left home to clean up after that whole whirlwind with a headache!

So, I know I am not the only one who has days like this. How do you deal with your whirlwind days? How do you keep up with everything in life? Some days I don't feel like I do or can keep up. I feel like my family and house look how I feel. HAHA! On the upside, Costco had pumpkin waffles, of course I had to buy them. They were amazing this morning!

Happy Hump Day!

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