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Kids... Part 1 of Many...

I have been thinking a lot lately about kids. Raising kids is so difficult. No one tells you the difficult parts. Yes you hear about the colic, up all night times, terrible 2's, teething, but no one really tells you about the years to follow. In my opinion, these are the hardest years. Take me back to the baby stage at any time.

Why you ask? Well when the baby has colic you have gripe water, colic tabs, swaddling and other remedies to help. Teething there is Orajel, Tylenol... up at night days you will eventually get over, take naps and/or get used to it. These times are so much harder for me. I have no idea what to do or how to react or how to fix it. My oldest son is going to be 14 in 2 months. His emotions are everywhere and it drives me nuts.

My son is starting that "adolescent" stage with emotions and hormones I guess. He gets angry and blows up at the dumbest stuff. He gets so mad at his brothers, talks back and wants to argue with his dad and I all the time. I get so angry I want to lose my mind. The weird thing is, everyone at school and church tell me how awesome he is. He's kind, caring, helpful and all of the things he isn't at home. How do I get at least some of these qualities at home? I have no idea. But it is hard. And no one has answers!

My niece is going through a break up. Her first one. I feel so bad for her. No way to take the pain. Where are the answers to these problems? Where is the articles and help? How many books can you find on pregnancy, baby stages, toddler stages........ then what happens after that? What about after age 5? I wish someone would have something awesome to say on this topic.

Maybe some day when my kids are grown, I'll have some great news, if I survive!!!

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