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Oh my word... Does anyone else have crazy emotions? Is it just me? I will be totally fine. Feel like everything is great, and then, BOOM! I get all crazy. Today has been one of those days! It has actually been one of those weeks.

So it started Monday when I was on my way to Las Vegas to pick up my parents. My phone goes off and it's my bff who has my son. So I look at my phone and my son is sick. I immediately want to turn around and go pick him up. But I know I have to get my parents and that I don't have a choice. So I then start feeling guilty and bad. Start crying because the mother in me wants to get my baby. No that I didn't think or know he was in great hands, but because he's my baby. I felt bad for him and my bff. It was horrible the entire drive!

Then Tuesday... I was exhausted from the previous day. Homeschooling for the kids, the baby I babysit, my parents and all of the other everyday stuff. I felt overwhelmed! I cried later in my room. My kids wouldn't get busy. My father in law came over later for dinner. I just don't know how to handle all of the pressure some times.

Then Wednesday, the kids had school. But the second oldest son go sick and stayed home. I wanted to clean and get caught up, but that did not work out. I gave my mom a perm. Did dishes, cleaned up only a little. But had to have a shower and get ready for church. I've had meetings and craziness going on. Trying to get new clothes posted on my online business. Overwhelmed once again. I didn't cry, but I felt edgy, angry and exhausted.

That brings me to today. Thursday! It has been insane since I got up. I had an appointment at 7:45 AM. I had to be out the door by 7:20 AM. While I get up early, I normally get to sit, have coffee, work and so on. I don't get up and dressed and leave. So I was tired, and grouchy. I had gotten up to the dog barking. Gotten up again to a kid throwing up. I wanted sleep. I got home around 10. We had to leave for a field trip at 11:30 AM. We weren't sure if we should go due to the child throwing up thing. So, we decided to go because he wanted to and said he was feeling okay. So, we go to this pumpkin patch. We had paid like $50 to go. It was dumb. It was not fun and I couldn't believe we spent that much on that! I felt hot, bored and crazy. We drove an hour to stay at the field trip an hour and 15 minutes. Then to turn around and drive an hour home. UGH!!! To come home to kids who didn't want to work. Kids talking back, having attitudes and craziness. I went in my room and cried. And cried.... and cried!

My second oldest son then came and gave me a handmade card. It was so cute and told me how awesome I was. It melted my heart and made me want to cry again. So what are we supposed to do with crazy emotions? Let them out. Do not hold them in. It's good for our minds and bodies to let it out! Cry it out, laugh it out, scream it out. Anyway, let it out!

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