Seriously Done!
Do you ever just feel done? I cannot be the only one on the earth who gets to this point. This is how I have been feeling a lot lately. And not just about one area in my life, but basically everything. I feel like I cannot control any aspect of my life right now. I hate that feeling. I knew things would be tough when we started down this new road, but there were certain things that I didn't think about, but they are really affecting me.
So, I have been sick for over a week. First it was the stomach flu. It lasted almost 3 days. Then the next day, I started losing my voice and it turned into one of the worst colds EVER! I just want to be better now. I feel exhausted and fatigued. Aches and pains everywhere and I can't sleep. This makes for a grumpy me. I am trying to not be and control myself, but some times people are just dumb!
Then there is the whole financial situation that comes with starting a business and quitting a job. I understand that in every business there are slow times, but it has been so slow for both of us. I don't get it! Aren't people starting holiday shopping and junk? Looking for jobs that fit our schedules is so hard. Keeping up with household chores and all of the daily things is so hard. I still have not found my new normal or a good schedule. I really need help in this area. I HAVE to figure it out because it's driving me nuts!
So, please if you have any suggestions on how to do this, email me or use the Contact Us page. We will not spam you or give out your info.
Happy Hump Day!