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Land of the Free Because of the Brave

Oh. My. Word. I am so tired of politic stuff. I usually do not get involved with politic stuff with people other than my husband. But I am feeling so frustrated these days. Why are the parties so mean and dirty? Why can't we find some middle ground and at least get along? Do you really think that this is what our forefathers had in mind when they founded this Country? I don't think so! So, this may or may be a rant you want to read. But either way, my intention is not to make people mad, just my rant and my point of view.

First of all, why does it feel like everyone wants their voice heard, but no one wants to hear others voices? I am a pretty middle of the road person, but this stuff is getting crazy. As a middle class white female, I just live my life, but seriously I am starting to feel like a minority in my own country and culture. The African American community has their voice and the Latino people have their voice, even if they are illegal. How is that? How do you come into our Country illegally and demand us to meet your needs? Get everything for free, get on every government assistant program, get into college for free, and on and on it can go... but yet slam our country every way possible. If we were to go into your country and demand they learn and speak English, ask for free healthcare, try to send our kids to their schools and tell them they have to teach them in English, ask for free food and everything else we could get our hands on, what do you think would happen? I think we all know the answer to that! We would be in jail and probably worse. So why do they think that any country should be different for them?

Then it comes to the African American community. While I do not agree with what our country did in it's early days, what does that have to do with the current generation? First you have to go back and think about who sold them into slavery? Um, their own people! And who frees them? Yes, a white man. And was there ever a white slave, yes there was. And in my own white family, I have relatives that worked in fields and such. So while I do not agree with what was, it is not that now. So why can't we put the past in the past and leave it there? Get up, make something of yourself and be proud. Instead of sitting and crying about your ancestors that were slaves, make them proud. Utilize your rights, go to school and become something. Instead of waiting for everything to fall in your lap, get up and go after it. Make yourself great!

Stop with all of the "I'm offended" crap! I am so sick of it. Just be you and stop worrying about all of the past junk. As long as that's not how things are done now! Slavery has been gone for so long I can't believe we are still basically living in it. If we could all look through the eyes of kids, I think everything would get back on track. If we could go back to the basics, this country could be great again. But instead, we wallow in the past and wonder why things are getting worse! There is so much wrong, but I choose to look at the right. How about you? How do you look at things? I'd love to here from you.

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