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This weeks positive quote is one that just caught my eye on social media. I loved it because it's so true. People put so much into being happy. But what is true happiness? Can you ever really FIND it? That's what I want to talk about. My perspective on happiness and why I feel that way.

To me, happiness is not something you can just find. Happiness, like a lot of things, is kind of a way of thinking. It's something you can choose to be or not be. Have you ever seen anyone that is really poor, but always really happy? I have. Not an act or a show, but they are truly happy. So, if happiness is based on the next promotion, or how much money is in your account, or who you are married to/dating, or anything else you can think of, how can these people be happy? Because they choose to be happy. No matter what they are going through, they choose to be happy.

I have seen people go through the biggest trials of their lives and still seem so happy. Yes I am sure they have their moments when they feel the weight of the world on them. But for the most part they are happy and can see the positive in everything. I really want to be this way. I don't want to constantly look depressed or crazed. I wan to be able to talk with people and help them. Truly be an ear and helpful. I am so thankful for the people in my life that have been there for me.

So, stop searching for happiness, you won't find it. If you put your best positive self forward, you will find the same. The right partner will come to you and your job situation will fall into place with the right mindset. Although the struggle has been real right now, I have never been happier. We have struggled to pay the bills, wondered where the next tank of gas will come from. But, it all eventually works out. I have learned that no amount of worry and stress will help pay bills or buy necessities. Instead it wreaks havoc on our bodies and in our minds. Of course there are still times I find myself starting to worry and stress. I literally look myself in the mirror and tell myself to stop. That no matter what I am going through, I am still better off than others. I am still alive and breathing. And then I move on with my day. If that attitude was used more, we would be a lot better off.

How do you keep your mindset happy? How do you pep talk yourself? I's love to hear from you.

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