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Holidays (Part 1.)

This time of year brings about so many emotions and feelings for a lot of people. Some good and some not so good. Although I think that is a topic worth talking about some time soon, I am not today. I am talking about the busyness and craziness it can bring. This week has been such a week. And, I am trying to decide if I liked it or not. Haha, not really. I know how I feel, it's just hard to put into words.

First of all, no matter how many times I say, "it's not going to happen this year" it does. What you ask? Kids getting behind in school work, the house getting crazy and I feel helpless and hopeless. Every. Single. Year. I try to stop it, but it just happens. Then I'm standing there confused like, what just happened? It's seriously crazy. But I feel like I caught on early this year. Usually it's like the week before Christmas.

Last week was insane. My kids had minimum days all week (All 3 days they go to school) which always throws my schedule off. I feel like I drop them off, get home, put a load in the washer and have to pick them up again. I know it's not quite that fast, but it felt like it. Then they want to eat lunch because they don't get a lunch break on minimum days. Make sure they are fed and clean that up. Try to start something else and it's dinner time, then bedtime and the day is gone. I absolutely HATE minimum days. Just don't have school LOL. Then Monday there was parent teacher conferences. I seriously was at the school like 4 hours I think. Just trying to get through them. I felt so sorry for the teachers who just have to sit there.

On top of all of that, my friend and I cook a Thanksgiving Feast for our Sunday school every year. It's always held the Sunday before Thanksgiving, so that was yesterday. But it obviously takes planning and all. Between the 2 of us we cooked 7 turkeys, 70 pounds of mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn, bread and cookies. Our backs, legs and feet are always glad when it's over LOL. Let's just say I am glad for this week. No school and hopefully catch up on my crazy house and life time.

Do you have any ways you keep your schedule straight and stay on top of things?

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