Holidays (Part 3)
And, here we are. The day after Christmas 2017. Can you believe it's already over? A week from today we will be in a new year. 2017 is coming to a close rapidly and 2018 is upon us. I cannot believe it. It feels as if this year has flown by. It has not been the easiest year, but it's been a good year. So much has happened, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I remember this time last year vividly. I do not want to go back to that time for anything. 2016 felt like it was 84 years long. I felt like everything in my life that could go wrong, did go wrong. But I had hope and great expectations for 2017 and it has been and awesome year. Not without ups and downs, but it's been good.
Yesterday was a fun day. We did not have a lot to give the kids, but we made do and had fun with what we did have. They know what our finances have been like, so they were thankful that they got anything. They didn't complain and told us several times thank you for what we gave them. It touched me, and I am so thankful that they weren't disappointed.
After our family Christmas in the morning, we went to my mother-in-laws about 11:20. We opened presents, ate and left around 3:45. We then went to my best friends house and had snacks and dessert. It was so much fun to just sit and play games and visit. That was the highlight of my day. I love being with the people I hold most dear. God has been good to me this year and showed me how much he cares for and loves me.
I am looking to 2018 with expectation and hopefulness. I know that 2018 is going to outshine 2017. My family and I are so thankful for every kindness we've been shown.
I hope and pray that everyone had a very Merry Christmas 2017