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New Year 2018

Can you believe that the new year is just a few days away? It insane to me how 2017 has flown by and we are at the door of 2018. I love New Years. I think I always have. As long as I can remember I have looked forward to New Years. It's the feeling of new beginnings and putting a year of memories, whether good or bad, into a folder of your heart and mind and starting again. New Years Eve brings back memories of when I was going through a hard time, decided to invite random people over that I didn't even really know. That's how I met my best friend. She's more like a sister to me now. So, I look forward to celebrating now and remembering the day we met.

I don't do new years resolutions. I write things down that I want to improve on. I try to work on certain areas of my life throughout the year, but I don't resolve to lose weight or any crazy things like that. I try to be happy with who I am. To be happy in my own skin. The year passes so quickly and I don't want to worry about small things. Trying to become healthier and making life changes is fine, but no fad diets or things like that. They don't last. Do things that last and make you a better person for life.

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