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And it's Over!

The holidays are officially over. A lot of kids are going back to school this week. Mine went back today. It has been so crazy around here. Either being here and the kids are going crazy, or being gone and feeling like all I want is to sleep. It has been a crazy ride already. I seriously cannot believe we have already gone through one entire week of 2018. Time flies when you are having fun.

Our year started with church and friends. The first week was insane. Going to prayer and Bible quizzing practice every night. Then Friday night we had been given tickets to Disney On Ice. It was a fun show. But we got home late and had to up at 3:30 am to drive to Fresno. Had a tournament Saturday and drove home. Getting home around 12:45 am and having to be up and at church at 8:30 am Sunday. My kids were not happy to be getting up for school this morning. But such is life. You don't always get things to go the way you want or like.

So, Bible Quizzing is something our church does every year. Basically the kids learn a certain portion of the Bible. Then they go to tournaments and compete against other churches in our region. If they win enough they go to finals, and if they win there they go to nationals. That is then competing against the best team in the nation. This tournament was only for novice quizzers, meaning kids who have never quizzed before. It was a lot of fun and hard work. But our church took all of the first place trophies and 2 out of 3 second place trophies. They really did an amazing job.

So, after all of the fun and games of the weekend, today is back to reality day. I was ready, yet not ready. I already miss their little voices, although they were mostly fighting. They have been together too long I think now. My house is an upside down wreck and I will be glad to get back on a schedule. I am happy that we had a great time off and was able to do some things as a family. That's what it's all about.

How was your holidays? Are you back into reality now? Let me know your thoughts!

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