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This weeks positive thought got me thinking. I think a lot about negativity and how it runs (or ruins) so many peoples lives. How I had to realize and recognize that for myself. I had to change many things about my life and the people who were in it. People who I am sure had good intentions, but were not good for me to have around. I was not strong enough for a long time to do something about it, but then I stated noticing how it was affecting my everyday life. How I was becoming negative and in a bad mood because of stuff that had been said, or things that had been done. That's when I knew something had to happen.

But...... What do you do when the negativity is coming from within your home? Whether child or spouse... how do you deal with that? When it's my kids, I just tell them straight up, "hey you are being very negative right now and it needs to stop." Some times they look at me like I fell out of a tree, but they usually walk away and zip their mouth. So either way, I win because the are quiet. But how do you react when it's your spouse? I've tried the whole, "you are being really negative and it needs to stop" thing. It didn't go over quite as well as it did with the kids LOL.

With it being so new to us to be home together so much, I never realized how negative we both could be. And so, it has been driving me absolutely crazy. I want my kids to grow up in a mostly positive home. I know that life happens, and not everything that happens is fun and all of that. But there is a lesson to learn in everything that happens and we can try to find that lesson and learn from our mistakes. So, when it comes to my hubby being negative I do one of two things normally. One, I walk away and just go breathe and try to get my own self together. Or two, I tell him, this is becoming very negative and I think we both need to step back and look at the situation. Then maybe we can come back later and talk about it. It depends on the situation with what action I take.

For the most part those 2 things work. Not always and some times I just get angry and have an attitude. But I am working on that. How do you handle negativity? I would love to hear from you. You can email me at or use the Contact Us page. We will not spam you or share your info.

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