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Take the Challenge

My thoughts today come from the quote I posted today. If something doesn't challenge you, it more than likely will not change you. When something keeps us in our comfort zone, we don't feel the pain or movement of things, we don't see the need to move or change. But when something hits close to home, or we get bothered by something, then we either accept the challenge and do something to change. Or we accept that we were challenged, but that we do not necessarily have to change.

When someone is over weight, or wants to run a marathon, or wants to change their work situation, have kids, get married or whatever the case may be, they have to make a decision. Take the steps to do these things, or sit back and let it always be a dream. Every situation is scary. Yes, deciding to start a family is scary. (Very scary! HA!). Be scared, but step out anyway.

When my husband and I decided to quit his full-time job after 18 years to become self-employed, it was the scariest thing ever. Although there were tons of problems with his job and it was going completely down hill, it was stability and what we had known for so long. But looking at the situation, we decided whatever "could" happen was better than what "would" happen if he stayed at the job. We took the leap. If I said it has been all peaches and roses since then, I'd be lying. But, the learning, growing and experiences we've had along the way has made it so worth it.

So, whatever it is that you want to do, go after it. Challenge yourself so that you can change yourself and your situation. Only you can take the steps.

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