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Life Changing Events

How do you do with big life changes? I HATE them. I can deal with day to day changes. The weather, changing my clothes, you know, everyday stuff. But BIG stuff. My kids getting older. moving, family moving away. All of those big things I hate.

But no matter how much we like them, they happen. Some are in our control and some are not. I don't think either one is easier than the other. But all change is necessary. Good change, bad change, change that feels good, change that feels bad. All change is necessary. The most important thing is what we do with and during change.

So how do you react to change? When it's a change we've wanted or like we tend to accept it and love it. But what happens when it's something we don't like or don't want or weren't ready for? Our reactions to this changes things. We need to have a right attitude and mindset. Accept it even if we don't like it. React in a positive way and grow from it.

I know this because I'm going through it now!

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