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Coming Back to Reality

Slowly I am coming to the reality that the kids are going back to school and summer is over. Most parents cannot wait for their kids to go back to school. I don't know why since it seems like most homes have 2 working parents. So, either the kids are home alone or with a babysitter right? That is not the case for me.

I would rather deal with the bickering and dumb stuff than with homework most days. Homework can be such a battle. But once I am in the swing of things it gets easier. It's the getting into the swing of things that's difficult. Trying to figure out a schedule and such. You would think every year would be the same, but it's not. It seems as though every year brings new challenges and different things to deal with. And this year is no exception.

This is the first year I will have kids in 2 different schools. They are across town from each other and starting and ending times are so close to each other. But I think I have it figured out. Wednesday and Friday will be the only days I have to worry about it. Brandon goes to school Tuesday - Friday and has Monday off. The other boys go Monday, Wednesday and Friday and have Tuesday and Thursday off. So we'll see how it all works out. I am excited and scared for the new adventures this year holds.

Do you have any big new things happening this year? I'd love to hear about them. Email me at

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