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Summer Swim Days

I love summer swim days. This year has not had near enough. Whether it's the beach (my personal fave), in a pool of a friend or a water park. The kids have so much fun. watching them splash and play is amazing. I remember having days such as these when I was a kid.

My dad's parents lived in Colorado in a small town. The town had about 2,000 people. But no matter how small they had a rodeo and a town pool. So every July we would take the trip from Southern California to Las Animas Colorado. It was literally what my brother and I looked forward to all year. My grandparents had a 2 story 6 bedroom house. It was awesome to play in and since it was such a small town we could walk and run all over the town. Sometime between 10 and 1 grandma would drive us to the pool. She would give us $2.25. Even though I'm not all that old, (33) that $2.25 bought a lot. It cost $.50 to get in the pool, $.75 was for fries and the other $1.00 was for a soda. There was a little burger place called 5 Star. They had the best seasoned fries ever. If we were lucky, grandma would drive us about 25 min to another town called La Junta to their pool. They had a huge water slide. But it was $1.00 to get in that one and there was no 5 Star.

These were the highlight of our days. Swimming and eating! Who doesn't like that? Those memories and good times have carried into my adulthood and I love watching my kids have some of those memories. Although not in Colorado or going to 5 Star. (I'm sad that place closed down). I want my kids to grow up and have fond memories like I do!

Do you have special childhood memories? Email me and share them

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